You are here: Modules > Setting Up a New Project > Creating a New Project by Importing from Microsoft Word

Creating a New Project by Importing from Microsoft Word

MadCap Flare allows you to import document files from Microsoft Word into MadCap Flare in order to generate a new project. This process uses the styles in Microsoft Word documents to break the Flare project into multiple topics and provide some basic initial formatting. Therefore, before importing, this guide recommends that you format any Word documents you want to import with styles as opposed to inline editing.

  1. Make sure all content in the Microsoft Word documents is formatted using styles, as opposed to inline editing.
  2. Complete steps 1 through 8 from “Creating a New Project from a Template.”
  3. Select the radio button next to “New from import.”
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the radio button next to “Create a project from MS Word files.”
  6. Click Next. The Start New Project Wizard appears.
  7. Click the green plus sign in the lower-right corner of the Wizard. The Open File window appears.
  8. Select the files you want to import.
  9. Click Open. The file names appear in the Start New Project Wizard.
  10. Select files in the Start New Project Wizard and click the up and down arrow buttons in the lower-right corner to change the order of the files.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select the Word style you want to use to mark a new topic. For example, if you want Flare to create a new topic every time text in the Heading 1 style appears in the document, select Heading 1 in the Used Word Styles column.
  13. Click the right arrow to move the selected Word style into the New Topic Styles column.
  14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for each style you want to use to mark a new topic.
  15. Click Finish. The Accept Imported Documents window appears.
  16. Preview the files that Flare generates from the import.
  17. Click Accept. Flare generates a new project based on the imported documents.